Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stop the $500,000 Bandy Sneak-A-Tax

Last August the City of Eagle held public meeting to discuss the
proposed FY09 Budget. At that time Councilman Al Shoushtarian
suggested that revenues were going to be dramatically lower than Mayor
Bandy anticipated. Mr. Shoushtarian also presented a budget that
adjusted expenditures. Both the forecast and alternative budget
proposal were greeted with ridicule and silence by the Mayor and other
council members.

Now that Mr. Shoushtarian's revenue predictions have come true, Mayor
Bandy wants to borrow $500,000 so he can keep spending. While this
loan is technically short-term, if it cannot be paid off within a year
it becomes long-term debt. This effectively means that the Mayor can
circumvent the Idaho Constitution and go into debt without a
two-thirds approval of the taxpayers.

Unless the Mayor dramatically reduces spending, he will be forced to
borrow even more to cover his deficits. The City's 2009 general fund
spending budget is over $7 million. Revenues last year were only $5
million. Does anybody think this year will be better? If we don't stop
Bandy's out-of-control spending and borrowing Eagle will end the
fiscal year drowning with over $2 million in new debt.

Mayor Bandy and the City Council need to lock themselves in a room and
not come out until they have a budget that reflects the current
economic realities. If they do not have the courage and competence to
perform this operation, they need to step aside and let responsible
adults take charge.

Taxpayers have the opportunity on February 17th at City Hall to
express their opinion regarding the new debt the City is incurring.

If you cannot attend the meeting, you may also submit a letter to the
City Clerk/Treasurer Sharon K. Bergmann at P.O. Box 1520, Eagle, ID
83616 and request that it be read into the official record at the hearing.

You may also want to call or email the Mayor and member of the City
Council and ask them to get serious about being fiscally responsible.

Mayor Bandy can be reached at 939-6813.

Remember, Phil wants to spend this money, but he wants you and I to
pay it back.

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